September 2020 Global Health Update

September 2020

Dear Colleague,

As we enter the month of September and the Labor Day holiday weekend in the United States, I was struck by how hard the health community globally has labored this year, how a pandemic and disasters are already taking a toll at home and around the world, and finally on our need to care for our common home in this Season of Creation.

As we move forward with our healing mission, let us take a moment to: remember all of those who labor daily to assist in this important work; to recommit to the needs of the global health workforce, and to prepare for the future disasters that will affect our communities. To that end, I am happy to provide a few resources for you and your colleagues on these topics and others related to global health.  


CHA Feast of St. Francis Webinar: Today's Climate Call — Perspectives of Saint Francis & Pope Francis
Sept. 23, 2020, from 3 – 4 p.m. ET
Free for CHA Members!
This webinar will feature Fr. Tom Nairn, OFM, Ph.D., Provincial Minister of the Franciscan Province of the Sacred Heart, who as a Franciscan, ethicist and theologian, will reflect on today's climate realities and share insights from Saint Francis and the Cardinal who took his name, Pope Francis. » Register today

CHA International Outreach Networking Conference Call
Nov. 4,  2020, from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. ET
If you have a program topic you would like to highlight (5 minutes) or open for group discussion, please be sure to email me directly or speak up during the open forum. More details and dial-in information can be found here.


CHA Disaster Resources
CHA is a resource for members, with our best ability in disaster response lies in sharing relevant, timely information by hosting networking calls on specific disaster areas, and sharing known, trusted resources — particularly as they relate to our Catholic ministry. » Learn more

September is National Disaster Preparedness Month
The recent hurricanes and ongoing wildfires which have affected millions of lives. remind us of the importance of preparedness. As our nation continues to respond to COVID-19, there is no better time to be involved in preparedness. » Learn More

Season of Creation Resources Available
Sept. 1 to the Feast of St. Francis on Oct. 4, this is an annual ecumenical celebration of prayer and action to protect our common home. This year's Season of Creation takes place within the context of the 5th anniversary of Pope Francis' encyclical, Laudato Si'. The Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development launched a special invitation urging Catholics to take part in the Season of Creation. » Learn more

Caritas Internationalis: Amid the virus, cultivate a "pandemic of love and solidarity"
"Covid-19 must be for us a call to respect our common home," says Caritas Internationalis in a message for World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, marked on Tuesday. » Read more

Pope Says Solidarity the Key to Pandemic Emergence
Pope Francis continued his catechesis series on the topic "Healing the world," his weekly General Audience, noting how the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted our interdependence, "for better or worse" and that solidarity, therefore, is the key to emerging from the crisis better than before. » Read more

CHA Urges President Trump to Reconsider Decision to Withdraw from the World Health Organization (WHO)
It is deeply regrettable that during a global pandemic, rather than leading a coordinated global response to protect the lives of millions of people around the world, the President has decided to withdraw from the WHO. As with Ebola, smallpox, polio and HIV/AIDs, the COVID-19 virus does not recognize national borders. A global response therefore is needed to save lives around the world and here in the United States. CHA strongly urges the President to reconsider this decision and ensure the U.S. remains a leader in global health. » Read more

CHA Statement on Vaccine Equity and Catholic Principles for the Common Good
As researchers race to create safe and effective vaccines for COVID-19, it is essential to thoughtfully consider how to ethically develop and equitably distribute them. Effectively addressing the global health crisis requires a coordinated response by business, government, community leaders and health care providers to ensure that vaccines and treatments are safe, effective and available to all. To accomplish that, we in Catholic health care believe that the principles of Catholic Social Teaching offer a just framework for an equitable solution. These principles, shared by many people of goodwill, are the Dignity of the Human Person, the Common Good, Solidarity, Subsidiarity and the Preferential Option for Vulnerable Persons. » Read more

Brocher Declaration for Appropriate Short-term Engagements
CHA has worked with Advocacy for Global Health Partnerships (AGHP) and supports the Brocher Declaraion. Read the declaration. As such we hope you too will support the declaration, and as appropriate, extend the call on the international community to make every effort to maximize the value and minimize the harm of short-term engagements in global health. » Read and sign the support form

WHO Health Workforce Resources
The WHO estimates a projected shortfall of 18 million health workers by 2030. While the majority of this shortage will be in low- and lower-middle income countries, we know that countries at all levels of socioeconomic development, including the United States, face difficulties in the education, employment and retention of their workforce. » Learn more

WHO Technical Guidance for Coronavirus Disease
This resource provides technical guidance by topic including: Country Readiness, Patient Management, Risk Communication and Community Engagement, Points of Entry / Mass Gatherings, Surveillance and Case Definitions, Infection Prevention and Control / WASH, Disease Commodity Package, Laboratory Guidance and Reduction of Transmission from Animals to Humans. » Access the guidance

USAID Coronavirus Resources
USAID and the State Department have made available more than $900 million to combat COVID-19. Learn more. In addition you can also learn more about USAID's COVID-19 Funding Requests and Unsolicited Proposal here.


A Prayer for Persons Suffering as a Result of a Natural Disaster

But I shall sing of your strength,
Extol your mercy at dawn,
For you are my fortress,
My refuge in time of trouble.
PSALM 59:17

Gracious God, We pray for all those suffering from the ravages of natural disasters.
» Read more

Everything is Connected — A Video Reflection for the Season of Creation
» Watch the Video

Everything is Connected Video

Please note, as you connect with partners, discuss missed medical trips or added surplus shipments, online education or even future plans, feel free to share any information or insights you gain with me.

If I can provide assistance or additional information, please feel free to contact me.

Bruce Compton
Senior Director, Global Health
Catholic Health Association of the United States
CHA International Outreach