January 2020 International Outreach Update

International Outreach Update
January 2020

We would like to share with you upcoming events, resources and points of interest related to International Outreach. For additional information, please contact Bruce Compton, CHA Senior Director of International Outreach.



CHA International Outreach Networking Conference Call
Feb. 5, 2020 from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. ET
If you have a program topic you would like to highlight (5 minutes) or open for group discussion, please be sure to email me directly or speak up during the open forum. More details and dial-in information can be found here.
» Add this event to your calendar

The 2020 Joint Global Summit, The Power of Partnerships in Global Health
June 10 – 11, 2020
Co-hosted by The Task Force for Global Health's MedSurplus Alliance and the Catholic Health Association of the United States, following the conclusion of the 2020 Catholic Health Assembly, the Summit will be held at The Task Force's Atlanta headquarters. The Summit will bring together an array of international speakers and workshop presenters from health care, public health, corporations, government, non-governmental organizations, medical missions, medical supplies sectors and academia for a forum like none other.
» Register today to receive discounted pricing


Global Health Opinion from NPR Goats and Soda: It's Time To End The Colonial Mindset In Global Health
Excerpt: Today, the field of "global health" strives to create equitable and just relationships between wealthy and impoverished regions, places and peoples. But it is still a field with markedly unequal power dynamics: racism, classism and many of the residual exploitations of a terrible colonial past. I fear that this point often goes missed or ignored, possibly because we are subconsciously or consciously engaged in a neocolonial narrative in which wealthy people are "saving" poor people even as they build their own careers.

It is not a relationship in which Western visitors and local people are collaborating equally — or perhaps even more appropriately, where local leaders take the dominant role.
» Read more

Global Health Opinion from DEVEX: From resolution to revolution in health care
Excerpt: When the World Health Assembly's 194 members unanimously adopted a resolution earlier this year calling for universal access to water, sanitation, and hygiene in hospitals and other health facilities, it was a critical step forward for patients and staff; and tackling antimicrobial resistance and disease prevention.

Now it's time for the WASH revolution — and if recent events are indicative of commitments, we have good news.
»Read more

The WASH in Healthcare Facilities Advocacy Toolkit was the focus of a networking call to share its resources and their uses. Access the toolkit and access the call recording.

RESOURCE: USAID New Partnerships Initiative
The New Partnerships Initiative (NPI) will allow USAID to work with a more diverse range of partners, strengthen existing partner relationships and provide more entry points for organizations to work with the agency. The NPI Incubator will develop resources and training for local and underutilized groups, including faith-based, community and civil-society organizations, so they can more successfully compete for USAID contracts, agreements and grants.
 » Access USAID New Partnerships Initiative


World Day of Social Justice, Feb. 20, 2020
We believe in a God who liberates.
We know a God who accompanies those through the wilderness of long
nights and treacherous waters.
We hear a God who cries aloud at the silence of indifference, the denial of
human love and the destruction of innocence.
» Access full prayer

A Prayer for World Water Day, March 22, 2020
God of living water, you nourish and
bring abundance to the bodies of all.
Give us a deep desire to support and
lead our communities by reducing our
environmental footprint on clean water.
May we consider both individually and
communally as the ministry of health
care the sacredness of our planet and
the singular life-giving powers of water.
We ask this in your holy name.
» Access full prayer

CHA Related Resources:

A Reflection Guide for International Health Activities
Reflection Guide for International Health Activities
This booklet is a resource for persons selected as volunteers for mission trips to low- and middle-income countries. Designed for individual or group use, its contents lead users through discerning participation, preparation for a trip, arrival, the days of the experience, leaving, re-entering normal life and remembering and remaining rooted in the experience. Each of its six sections includes questions for reflection, spiritual exercises, sources for additional information and inspirational quotes and poems. It also includes plenty of journaling space.
Short-term Medical Mission Online Orientation Resource
CHA has developed an online orientation program with four modules for use by those who lead and participate in short-term international mission trips.

» Watch an excerpt from Module 3 on cultural competency

» Access the full orientation resource